Agenda item

Cleaner Estates Strategy Action Plan

To agree that the action plan is relevant, fit for purpose and implemented.


The Strategic Director of Communities introduced the report and advised Committee the Action Plan was following from the Cleaner Estate Strategy which had been approved in April. The Action Plan was broken down into four elements; communities, consultation elements, satisfaction and innovation.


Councillor Miles raised a question on tenant’s discontent about cleanliness of estates and if Committee would receive a report for progress. The Strategic Director of Communities confirmed milestones would be put in place to report back to Committee.


Councillor Davies asked whether there would be room for change and adaptability with the policy. The Strategic Director of Communities confirmed there is room to amend and develop.


Councillor Patrick asked for clarification on communal cleaning in flats and what dry mopping was. The Community Services Manager explained that it was mopping without water and reason for its use is to reduce slips and falls. Councillor Patrick further elaborated the reasoning for her question and the Community Services Manager advised any failure in standards should be reported to himself and the Housing team who would investigate.


Councillor Fryer commented whether the Action Plan could be delivered under current financial resources. The Strategic Director of Communities confirmed it could be delivered within existing funds.


Councillor Davies asked for more detail around the budget for gardening, whether Members could be involved with improvement of gardens with tenants and whether a mutual resolution around fly tipping and bulky item collection could be achieved. The Strategic Director of Communities agreed to confirm details of the budget outside of Committee, Members involvement could be incorporated into the plan and he reinforced the Councils commitment to a joined approach in tackling fly tipping and bulky collections.


Councillor Schoemaker raised a question around working in conjunction with a variety of landlords and private owners and whether a monthly service for those with limited car transport for tip collection which would also help with Carbon Neural 2030 Strategy reducing emissions. The Strategic Director of Communities agreed a whole community and neighbourhood approach was key and working together to address cleanliness and neighbourhood issues. The monthly service idea could be scoped for integration into the Estate Clean Ups element of the Action Plan. The Chair added mention of the Pride in your Neighbourhood projects and that the Tenant Representatives could also be involved.


Councillor Hynd asked what were the reporting lines for Officers within the Council and how it feeds into Committee in relation to outcomes and being able to measure them against key performance indicators. The Strategic Director of Communities advised he was keen for progress to be reported against tangibles with evidence. The Social Housing White Paper included a commitment to tenant involvement, transparency and thoroughness to be clear for reporting back upon. Officers would be held to account against the Action Plan. Councillor Hynd added it would be useful to know what baselines were being worked from.


Councillor Miles enquired what the alternative provisions for fly tipping removal if any. The Strategic Director of Communities advised scheduled removals could be explored to discourage fly tipping. The Community Services Manager advised Housing and Community Services are working close together to resolve fly tipping removal. The Head of Community Services explained education is also important for tenants.


Councillor Schoemaker asked whether linking up with private enterprise was possible to help with fly tipping and if there were any licenced scrap metal dealers working in the area to which Committee agreed there were.


Councillor Green enquired whether the Council could work and link up with other authority’s in relation to fly tipping in particular to reduce fly tipping within neighbouring authorities. The Community Services Manager agreed that this would be useful and informed Members that Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) run the recycling centres and had approached South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) historically but had been turned down. Members felt that SGC and GCC facilitating links would be useful. The Community Services Manager would continue trying to put pressure on county colleagues.


Councillor Patrick advised it was individuals outside of the area who come into the district specifically to fly tip or dispose of their waste at bin stores which then leads to overflowing rather than the residents of the street where fly tipping happens. The Community Services Manager informed the Committee of the current project to develop contained rather than communal bin stores. Work is being undertaken and has seen improvements already.


On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried unanimously



To agree to adopt the Cleaner Estates Strategy Action Plan


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