Agenda item

Update of the Tenant Led Service Standards

To agree the updates made to the Tenant Led Service Standards.


The Housing Manager introduced the report. She confirmed that consultation on the Service Standards with the Neighbourhood Ambassadors and the Tenants Voice Representatives had taken place in October 2019.  The Service Standards demonstrate that Tenant Services provide a clear and transparent service to SDC’s tenants, leaseholders and residents.  Those involved in the consultation believed that the Service Standards could be further strengthened by making a number of additions and these are detailed in the report.  The Housing Manager explained that, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Service Standards were not submitted to the Housing Committee in 2020.


The Housing Manager acknowledged that, at present, the number of involved tenants is small, and more work needs to be done to increase involvement.  ARK consultants have been commissioned to look at how delivery of tenant involvement can be improved in the future.  She noted, however, that SDC’s Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Strategy, written with tenants in 2018, provides a solid platform to improve tenant engagement going forward.  The Housing Manager detailed a number of new initiatives to encourage tenants to become involved including through social media, a programme of ‘Love where you live’ events, a digital equality programme, and a restart of Café Conversations when the easing of Covid restrictions allow.


The Housing Manager confirmed that an Action Plan, detailing the implementation of the Service Standards, including the involvement of tenants, and what action will be taken to improve tenant engagement, will be brought to the committee in June 2021.


Councillor Davies asked whether any statistics are available in relation to Tenant Services to measure performance.  The Housing Manager confirmed that these are available through ongoing monitoring of services including allocations and lettings, complaint handling, and anti-social behaviour management.


Councillor Davies asked whether there was any work being done to provide a self-service facility online for tenants.  The Housing Manager confirmed that a new housing management system is currently being developed.  This will look both at self-service capability, such as booking appointments, as well as retaining a telephone service for those wishing to speak to someone directly.


Councillor Fryer expressed some concern about the low number of tenants involved in the consultation on Service Standards and asked how the consultation had been carried out.  The Housing Manager confirmed that the consultation had been conducted with Neighbourhood Ambassadors and Tenants Voice Representatives.  Whilst it is acknowledged that the numbers included are low, there are plans in place to improve tenant engagement in the future including consideration of the recommendations from the ARK consultants’ report.


Councillor Dewey asked whether, when Covid restrictions allow, it is possible for those tenants who are less computer literate to have a face-face meeting with Tenant Services particularly for issues such as anti-social behaviour.  The Housing Manager confirmed that this would be possible once restrictions were lifted, and currently Tenant Services talk to tenants by telephone and go through an action plan with them.


The Motion was proposed by Councillor Braun and seconded by Councillor Fryer.


Councillor Fryer stated that it was good to acknowledge the importance of the voice of tenants on the Housing Committee.


Councillor Braun acknowledged the importance of having clear standards and engaging with tenants to improve those standards.  She also recognised the importance of using those standards to monitor performance so that the Housing Committee can be confident in the quality of service provided to tenants.


Councillor Kay referred to the particular challenge included in the report, to assist people in obtaining their own properties, when the number of properties available to rent continually reduces as people opt to buy their properties.


On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried unanimously.



a)    To adopt the updated Tenancy Service Standards, and

b)    To delegate authority to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Chair of Housing to review the implementation of these service standards and provide an update and action plan to Committee in June 2021.