Agenda item


CIL funding helps to provide for any additional demand placed on the local environment and services created by new housing growth, in accordance with adopted planning policy. Infrastructure project bids received in the 2022 funding round were recommended to Environment Committee in December 2022, where they were unanimously approved. The spend allocations detailed within this report are presented to Strategy and Resources Committee for secondary approval.


The Senior Community Infrastructure Officer advised that the results of allocations made during previous years could be found in Appendix C. She confirmed that there was just over £1m which could be allocated during this financial year however they were recommending that some was rolled over to be allocated in following years. Following the close of the bids in September 2022, Members were invited to attend a members briefing to discuss the project bids which had been received, copies of the bids were also posted on the Members Hub. Officers assessed the bids according to their ability to support the delivery of priority planning objectives, the recommended projects had been included in Appendix A and included the following:

  • Berkeley Town Improvement Project
  • Dudbridge to Ryeford Cycle Trail Surface Improvement
  • SGS Stroud College 14-16Create Centre (toilet provision)
  • Wotton Community Sports Foundation – The New Barn


Councillor Davies asked whether they were spending CIL fast enough and whether enough projects were coming forward. The Senior Community Infrastructure Officer confirmed that they worked closely with all of the strategic infrastructure provider organisations and that there was a thorough awareness across the organisations of CIL. However due to the sizes of the capital projects involved many of the projects had long lead in times. She advised Members that many capital projects had been included in Appendix B which may require CIL allocations in future years.


Councillor Davies asked for further information regarding paragraph 2.9 in relation to conversations had with Gloucestershire County Council (GCC). The Senior Community Infrastructure Officer confirmed that positive discussions had been held with GCC and they were taking steps forward to develop project bids. The Chief Executive advised that they had reminded GCC of the protocol in place that highlighted the collaboration needed and have suggested a further meeting to help the County understand how CIL works. The Chief Executive affirmed that they were responding to GCC in a constructive and positive way.


In response to questions from Councillor Hurst the Chief Executive advised that CIL was set to transform into the National Infrastructure Levy however this had not yet passed through parliament. They therefore would not be able to confirm how many further rounds of CIL there would be but expected some transitional arrangements to be put in place.


Councillor Craig asked questions regarding the reduction in the allocation offered to Stroud College. The Senior Community Infrastructure Officer advised that CIL was allocated to address additional pressure due to housing growth and as they were unable to base the need for the whole project on housing growth they contacted Stroud College to see whether a partial allocation would still be meaningful. The College agreed that a partial funding offer would help to attract further investment which had now started to come forward.


Proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Brine.


Councillor Davies thanked Officers for all of the work that had been carried out as CIL was hugely important to committees.


Councillor Ross offered thanks to the Senior Community Infrastructure Officer and reflected on the funding which had been allocated in previous years.


The Chair, Councillor Braun, confirmed that she had attended a meeting of Wotton Town Council Planning Committee regarding the New Barns planning application and stated that there had been enthusiasm from the whole community for the project.


Councillor Turner stated that there was a large range of high quality projects proposed for funding in this round and echoed the Committees thanks to Officers.


On being put to the vote, the motion was carried unanimously.



a)    To note the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding recommendations made by Environment Committee; and

b)   agree to the individual project funding allocations according to the report below.


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