Agenda item


To present to the committee the revised estimates for 2022/23 and original estimates for 2023/24.


The Accountant informed Committee of a typo in paragraph 4.4 which should state 2023 instead of 2022 relating to the Local Plan. She continued and introduced the report highlighting key variances, any proposed budget adjustments and fees and charges growth of 5% from inflation (unless stated otherwise) in line with the Budget Strategy for 2023/24 which included the pay award. Contract increases of 9.9% were also applied with the Multi-Service (Ubico) contract being the most significant increase due to fuel and utility costs.


In response to Councillor Kay’s question referencing paragraph 3.5 and table 2 of the report relating to the figures contained within the contract increases and whether Committee would be required to revise them at a later date. The Accountant advised that Ubico set their budget in consultation with Stroud District Council (SDC) who challenged the proposed budget to ensure as part of the monitoring process the most accurate budget was reflected before being presented to Committee throughout the year. This was not including any anomalies that may occur during the year (such as changes to the Cost of Living Crisis).


Councillor Tipper queried whether a reserve of the reserve budget would be sensible relating to the Cost of Living and the contracts. The Accountant advised she would circulate more detail relating to what reserves had been put aside outside of Committee on this matter.


Proposed by Councillor Brown and Seconded by Councillor Watson.


Councillor Drury-Layfield proposed an amendment to include a point ‘c’ to the decision to include ‘to recommend another £250K to the Walking and Cycling Budget’.


The amendment was proposed by Councillor Drury-Layfield and Seconded by Councillor Hynd.


Councillor Brown queried where the additional money would be funded from. The Accountant advised the proposed amendment would have to be considered by Strategy and Resources Committee. 


Councillor Tipper expressed his concerns and queried how the £250K was calculated. The Chair, Councillor Turner advised the amendment had come from the Task and Finish Group to allow better value for money projects to be delivered across the district and that most of the existing budget had either already been spent or committed to projects within the next year. The additional £250K would help deliver more low carbon level projects and deliver the objectives within the Council Plan relating to improving active travel and working with Parish and Town Councils.


Councillor Green queried whether the £250K proposed was in addition to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bids that were being considered that evening relating to the Walking and Cycling Plan under 5.5 of the report. The Chair, Councillor Turner advised it was an addition to the budget and on the assumption that the projects in the Officer recommendation for CIL being considered that evening was approved by Committee which would either see the projects as a whole being moved to the Walking and Cycling budget or a partnership between this budget and CIL formed.


On being put to the vote to include the amendment, there were 7 votes for, 0 against and 2 abstentions.


Councillor Green informed Committee that she felt nervous about the process taken to obtain additional extra funding and advised she would be abstaining from the vote as a result of this, being new on the Committee and historical knowledge relating to the background of the Walking and Cycling projects.


On being put to the vote the Motion was carried with 7 votes for, 0 against and 2 abstentions.



a)    The revised Environment revenue budget for 2022/23 and original 2023/24 revenue budget are approved

b)    The Fee’s and Charges list as shown at Appendix B is approved

c)    To recommend another £250K to the Walking and Cycling Budget.


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