Agenda item

Levelling Up Bid - Use of Business Rates Pilot Funding

To propose the use of Business Rates Pilot funding to support project development costs relating to the forthcoming Levelling Up Fund (LUF) bid.


The Strategic Director of Place brought Members attention to the summary provided in Appendix 1. He advised that the bid was being put together with a number of strategic partners and encompassed a range of projects. The Strategic Director of Place advised that the funding being sought tonight through this report would enable the Council to submit a strong bid before the 6 July deadline. It was also confirmed that Stroud District Council was a priority two area and that priority one areas, Gloucester City Council and Forest of Dean District Council, received investment to help develop their bid which Stroud would not receive. The Strategic Director of Place reiterated paragraph 4.1 and confirmed that there would be no guarantee that they would be successful with their bid and that they could qualify for other external funding instead.


Councillor Robinson asked about the bus service and the poor infrastructure in Merrywalks and whether there would be any funding through the Levelling Up Bid. The Strategic Director of Place confirmed that Stroud District Council were working very closely with Gloucestershire County Council and that their focus for this bid had been on active travel.


Councillor Davies asked for confirmation as to whether there were still people awaiting confirmation of whether their project had been included in the bid. The Strategic Director of Place confirmed that a finite list of projects had been compiled in Appendix 1, however it was also advised that there may be projects that would not get selected for submission with the bid and that the partners were aware of this reality.


Councillor Pearcy asked whether partners such as Great Western Railway would contribute their own funds to the project to show their commitment. The Strategic Director of Place confirmed that there were specific rail industry funding streams that they would be seeking support from including station improvement funds.


Councillor Hurst expressed concerns that the package presented was very Stroud centric and asked whether it was a reflection of the projects that had been put forward for the bid. The Strategic Director of Place Project confirmed that the bid was specifically for investment in physical infrastructure, there was strict guidance about providing ‘pride of place’. Therefore, if successful, a lot of the investment would be in Stroud Town but the benefits of it would be spread much wider.


Councillor Pearson asked for clarification as to whether Stroud District Council were solely liable for the cost of the feasibility study for accessibility to Stroud Train Station. The Strategic Director of Place confirmed that Stroud District Council would be funding the feasibility study however Network Rail were providing their time.


Proposed by Councillor Davies and seconded by Councillor Braun.


Councillor Pearson expressed concern over the amount of money that would be spent with no guarantee of receiving any funding in return however advised that the improvements that would be made if the funding was received would be good.


Councillor Brine expressed similar concerns raised by Councillor Pearson. However, he offered his support as this would ensure that the bids would be ready for submission for any future funding projects if they were unsuccessful with the Levelling Up Bid.


Councillor Turner shared their intent to support the bid as they believed this would ensure projects were prioritised and Stroud District Council could look to deliver alternative funding to those projects if the Levelling Up Bid was not successful.


The Chair confirmed that the Strategic Director of Place and the team working on the bid had a good track record at putting these projects together, delivering to a high standard and winning previous bids.


Councillor Davies expressed thanks to the Strategic Director of Place and the team for their work. Councillor Davies confirmed that having bid-ready pieces of work would be valuable beyond the Levelling Up bid and provided reassurance that previously, every bid put forward by Gloucestershire had received funding.


Councillor Braun highlighted the focus on walking and cycling and improvements to the train station in the bid. Councillor Braun confirmed that they believed it would benefit residents from wider areas of the District than just Stroud.


On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried unanimously.



To approve the allocation of up to £275k from Business Rates Pilot funding, to support project development costs related to the forthcoming Levelling Up Fund (LUF) bid.


Supporting documents: