Agenda item

Capital Grant for Temporary Accommodation

This report seeks Committee support to provide a one-off capital grant to Gloucester City Homes, in order for them to purchase and convert a building in Stroud to provide temporary accommodation for single people or couples at risk of homelessness or rough sleeping. 


The Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) introduced the report and explained that it was for a one-off Capital Grant to Gloucester City Homes (GCH) for the purchase and conversion of a building in Stroud into temporary accommodation. This would be for the primary use of single people and childless couples at risk of homelessness. They further informed the committee of a similar proposal in 2019 for the same project and explained that it had come back to the Committee for approval as the details had since changed.


The Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) gave a brief History of the report which included:

  • The work that had led to identifying the need for the temporary accommodation.
  • The previous work with the Salvation Army to progress the project.
  • The need for temporary accommodation to allow pets.


She further informed the Committee the new building would provide 5 rooms for temporary accommodation, one communal kitchen, one communal living room, a staff office on the ground floor and a back yard in order to allow pets to exercise.


The Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) gave the following answers in response to questions:

  • GCH would be the owners of the building.
  • As part of the legal agreement, it would be for the sole use of Stroud District Council (SDC) however, if rooms were frequently available, they could be offered out to other authorities.
  • Completing the conversion work in-house would not have been possible due to current capacity.


Councillor Miles questioned whether someone would have to make an application via Homeseeker or whether they would be directly matched into these accommodations. The Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) explained that the due to this being classed as temporary accommodation it was dealt with differently to other applications and usually people were directly matched due to lack of options available.


In response to concerns raised from Councillors, the Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) confirmed that One Legal would be drafting the legal agreement with GCH and would ensure that the investment would be protected should the property change hands at any point.


Councillor Schoemaker questioned whether this accommodation was similar to that of the former Painswick Inn, Open House. The Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) explained that at the start of the pandemic, Open House was fortunately empty which enabled SDC to occupy it’s use for longer term accommodation. She further explained that due to the new site being managed by the Salvation Army, this would enable tenants to get the instant support they required in order to move them onto more appropriate accommodation, thus creating a much faster turnaround.


Councillor Fryer raised concerns over the Salvation Army selling the property before SDC had finalised everything to which, the Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) explained that the Salvation Army approached SDC first with the intention of selling and GCH are working very closely with them throughout the interim period.

Councillor Jockel questioned whether the property could be added as an asset of community value, the Head of Strategic Housing Services (Interim) thanked him for the suggestion and advised she would take it back to her team.


Councillor Baker proposed and Councillor Hynd Seconded.


Councillor Green debated the ownership of the property but overall showed support for the application.


Councillor Fryer commended the fact that people could bring their pets with them into the accommodation.


Councillor Baker shared previous experience of GCH purchasing similar properties in the past for the same purpose. She also echoed Councillor Fryer’s commendation that pets were allowed.


Councillor Schoemaker raised concerns regarding the location of the property.


Councillor Miles echoed Councillor Green’s thought over ownership and expressed support for the application as it could mean homeless persons in Stroud could stay local to friends and family.


Councillor Hynd expressed his support and commended the report for the revenue savings.


After being put to a Vote, the motion was carried unanimously.











a)    Delegate authority to the Head of Strategic Housing Services in consultation with the Council Solicitor, to enter into legal agreement(s) with Gloucester City Homes to set out the terms applicable to the payment and use of the grant.



b)    The Temporary Accommodation Capital Grant be added to the Council’s Capital Programme.


Supporting documents: