Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account Estimates - Revised 2021/22 and Original 2022/23 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2021/22 - 2025/26

To present to the committee the revised budget estimates for 2021/22 and the original estimates for 2022/23.


Councillor Ross, Chair of Housing Committee, introduced the report which had been taken to Housing Committee and Strategy and Resources Committee. She highlighted the following points:

  • Rents and charges were proposed to be increased by 4.1%
  • Shared Ownership rents would increase in line with the individual lease agreement.

·         The forecast for the MTFP on page 189 showed that in 2025/26 the HRA general balances were expected to be lower than the minimum recommended balance.

·         Major works was revised to include the retrofit programme.

·         New build programme had been reprofiled based on the current programme.

·         Independent Living was revised to three schemes in 2022/23.


Councillor Davies asked how many net new homes were built last year by the Council and how many did the budget predict to build next year. Councillor Ross advised that there were 22 currently under construction in Nailsworth, 7 in Minchinhampton and some being built in Eastington, She further confirmed that a more detailed answer could be provided outside of the meeting.


Councillor Davies asked whether there had been any savings from moving property care in-house. Councillor Ross advised that because of the Pandemic it had been a difficult year. Councillor Davies asked whether the retrofit programme could be accelerated if further funding was made available. Councillor Ross confirmed that the Retrofit Task and Finish Group would look at any opportunities to accelerate the scheme and Housing Committee would need to make any decisions.


Councillor Kay asked whether figures were available as to how many council homes had been sold through Right to Buy. Councillor Ross advised that she did not have those figures to hand.


Councillor Studdert-Kennedy asked whether the appropriation of May Lane in Dursley was complete. Councillor Ross advised that the agreement had not been signed but the process had begun.


Proposed by Councillor Ross and seconded by Councillor Jockel.


Councillor Patrick stated that she was unable to support an uplift in rent without an uplift in efficiency in response to repairs and maintenance of properties.


Councillor Hall was pleased to see that progress was being made at May Lane and stated he would be supporting the report.


Councillor Miles drew Members attention to section 3.15 on page 193 which highlighted an additional independent living modernisation scheme and stated that the last 2 schemes had been delivered on time and underbudget.


Councillor Housden expressed concerns over the loss of income due to void properties and the lengthy turnover time.


Councillor Davies stated that there were good points within the budget however, there was a larger issue surrounding voids and declared that the budget did not meet the claims laid out by the Labour Party in terms of building new homes. He confirmed that he would not be supporting the budget. Councillor Cornell confirmed that the pledge they made was to build 200 affordable and social rented homes each year in partnership with registered providers and developers of community led schemes and that they had exceeded their manifesto pledge that year.


Councillor Schoemaker stated that he sat on the Task and Finish Group and that he had been impressed with the leadership in housing and with Officers being able to identify issues and solutions.


After being put to a vote, the Motion was carried.


FOR: 24 Votes


Beki Aldam

Paula Baker

Catherine Braun

Chris Brine

Martin Brown

Doina Cornell

Laurie Davies

Helen Fenton




Trevor Hall

Jessie Hoskin

Steve Hynd

George James

Christopher Jockel

Norman Kay

Robin Layfield

Jenny Miles



Martin Pearcy

Steve Robinson

Mattie Ross

Lucas Schoemaker

Ken Tucker

Chloe Turner

Tricia Watson

Rich Wilsher


AGAINST: 11 Votes


Stephen Davies

Trina Davis

Christopher Evans

Lindsey Green



Nick Housden

Nick Hurst

Haydn Jones

John Jones




Loraine Patrick

Haydn Sutton

Brian Tipper




Nigel Studdert-Kennedy





a)    The revised HRA revenue budget for 2021/22 and original budget 2022/23 are approved;

b)    The movement to and from HRA balances and capital reserves as detailed in Appendix B and section 9 are approved;

c)    That from 1 April 2022:

        i.       Social rents and affordable rents are increased by 4.1% (CPI +1%), in line with national rent guidance

       ii.       Garage rents are increased by 4.1%

      iii.       Landlord service charges are increased by 4.1%

d)    That the HRA Capital Programme for 2021/22 to 2025/26, as detailed in Appendix C, be included in the Council’s Capital Programme;

e)    To delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Resources to appropriate land and buildings at 11/11A May Lane (as shown on the plan at Appendix D) into the HRA and the New Build Programme from the General Fund, once a market valuation has been received and;

f)     To delegate authority to the Head of Property Services to continue work on progressing this site with land to the rear of Parsonage Street, Dursley, including opening negotiations to acquire land from 3rd party private owners

as recommended by Strategy and Resources Committee.


Supporting documents: