Decision details

Woodchester Mansion Grant

Decision Maker: Community Services and Licensing Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Significant decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider a grant to support the conservation efforts at Woodchester Mansion by the Woodchester Mansion Trust


The Strategic Director of Communities presented the report on behalf of the Strategic Director of Resources and advised Stroud District Council (SDC) were the freeholder of the site however the building was operated by the Woodchester Mansion Trust. As a direct impact of Covid-19 the Trusts financial position had been impacted, and they were unsuccessful in obtaining grant funding through the National Covid Cultural Recovery Fund and therefore approached SDC for an additional grant of £50K which would be paid out of a dedicated reserve for the repair and maintenance of SDC buildings.


Councillor Craig asked whether SDC had offered support to the Trust to assist with completing future grant funding applications such as expertise of an SDC officer. The Strategic Director of Communities advised quarterly meetings were taking place with the Trust, Chief Executive and the Community Health and Wellbeing Manager who would be able to support them with future grant applications.


Proposed by Councillor Tucker and seconded by Councillor Bennett.


On being put to the vote, the Motion was passed unanimously.




a)     To agree a grant of £50k towards conservation efforts on Woodchester Mansion

b)     Request the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, provide funding through Council reserves as set out in the report and enter into a grant agreement with Woodchester Mansion Trust.


The Chair, Councillor Brine informed Committee that he would be moving items 10f, progress update on the Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) and 10g, progress on the Lido up the agenda ahead of item 9.



Report author: Andrew Cummings

Publication date: 29/07/2022

Date of decision: 23/06/2022

Decided at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Community Services and Licensing Committee

Accompanying Documents: