Meeting documents

Audit and Standards Committee
Tuesday, 28th January, 2020 7.00 pm

 Agenda - 28 January 2020
 Minutes - 28 January 2020
 Document Pack
 Item 3 - Minutes - 19 November 2019
 Item 6 - Internal Audit Activity Progress Report 2019-20
 Item 6 - Appendix A - Internal Audit Activity Progress Report 2019-20
 Item 6 - Appendix A - Attachment 2 - Spreadsheet v0.2
 Item 7 - Counter Fraud Unit Report
 Item 8 - Internal Audit Purpose Authority Role and Function
 Item 8 - Appendix A - Internal Audit Strategy
 Item 8 - Appendix B - Internal Audit Data Analytics Strategy
 Item 8 - Appendix C - Internal Audit Charter
 Item 8 - Appendix D - Internal Audit Code of Ethics
 Item 8 - Appendix E - Internal Audit Quality Assurance Improvement Programme (QAIP)
 Item 9 - Annual Governance Statement 2018-19 Improvement Plan - Progress Report
 Item 9 - Appendix A - Annual Governance Statement 2018-19 Improvement Plan - Progress Report
 Item 10 - Treasury Management Strategy Annual Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement
 Item 10 - Appendix A - Investments at 31 December 2019
 Item 10 - Appendix B - Explanation of Prudential Indicators
 Item 10 - Appendix C- Economic Background
 Item 10 - Appendix D - Treasury Management Scheme of Delegation and Role of the Section 151 Officer
 Item 11 - 3rd Quarter Treasury Management Activity Report 2019-20
 Item 11 - Appendix A - Prudential Indicators 31 December 2019
 Item 11 - Appendix B - Explanation of Prudential Indicators
 Item 12a - Work Programme - 28 January 2020
 Item 5 - External Audit Plan