Agenda item

Stroud Canals Vision and Strategy

To consider a Draft Canals Strategy for the District.


The Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development advised that the Vision and Strategy (the Strategy) had been in preparation since April 2021 and that Members were being asked to approve the draft documents for public consultation. He advised that they had been missing a long term vision and strategy to ensure a consistent approach was taken across the whole canal network in order to maximise opportunities to achieve broader social, economic and environmental objectives.


He drew Members attention to the appendices included with the report:

  • Appendix A – the Strategy in the form of a wallchart.
  • Appendix B – information on the 14 canal strategy areas, profiles of each and placemaking frameworks
  • Appendix C – a pilot study for the Wallbridge area.


It was confirmed that further material for the public consultation including an introductory film was being prepared and all background documents would also be made available at that stage. Following the Committee, the Draft Strategy would be published online for a formal period of public consultation. This was intended to be for 8 weeks and would involve material being available on the website, via social media, at Town Council offices open to the public and at libraries.


The Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development advised that the final amended Strategy would be taken to Environment Committee in May 2022 for approval and adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document. Furthermore, an Action Plan would be considered at a future meeting of Strategy and Resources Committee.


Councillor Pearson asked whether the masterplan and strategy produced in approximately 2005 was used in the production of the Draft Strategy being presented. The Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development advised that the consultants had considered many documents and spoken to stakeholders and he would confirm following the meeting whether the document had been examined. In response to further questions from Councillor Pearson it was confirmed that all Parish and Town Councils had been contacted at the beginning of the process and approximately 10 had been actively involved.


Councillor Craig raised concerns regarding the issues associated with the growing popularity of the canal. The Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development confirmed that there were areas of the canal network where there were pressures and conflicts not just between local people and tourists but also those that used the canals. He further advised that the role of the strategy was to support improvements to the canals in certain locations and that there were references to pressures and the need for action to alleviate the problems within it.


The Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development and the Chair, Councillor Cornell, confirmed they would be able to check with the Canal Project Board what the long term intentions were with ownership and management of the canals and whether on completion the Canal and River Trust would be approached to adopt the Cotswold Canals.


In response to questions from Councillor Housden it was confirmed that a budget of £60k had been allocated to the Canal Strategy and had been approved by Strategy and Resources Committee. It was confirmed that costs were likely to come in within budget. The Chief Executive advised that until now there had been a lack of any strategy that looked at the Canal Corridor in terms of the social, environmental and infrastructure opportunities. The new strategy could help the Council with its new focus on health and wellbeing and would help them to produce an action plan that would be useful should future funding opportunities arise.


Councillor Pearcy questioned whether business engagement would include leisure trades such as bike and boat hire. The Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development advised that a wide range of businesses would be contacted regarding the consultation and that they would be utilising the business contacts they had on their Local Plan database.


Proposed by Councillor Ross and Seconded by Councillor Pearson.


Councillor Pearson stated that he was looking forward to the canal being linked up. He also advised that the pressures that may be felt on the Cotswold Canals would be completely different to those on the Sharpness Canal as the canal traffic would be different due to the restrictions on depth.


Councillor Davies thanked the Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development and his team for the work carried out to create the draft strategy and stated that the level of detail was impressive. He also raised concerns with the Canal and River Trust and highlighted some current ongoing issues with the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal.


Councillor Hurst asked for Officers to consider using plain English in the strategy and advised that it was too dense and repetitive and would need significant modification to make it more presentable to the public. He advised that he was dedicated to the success of the canal project and recognised the opportunity to have the strategy as a supplementary planning document.


Councillor Braun stated that the document would help to explain the benefits of the canal to local Parish and Town Councils and stated she was interested to see the action plan with clear timescales and deliverables.


The Chair, Councillor Cornell, stated it was important that this document contained the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal as well as the Cotswold Canals. She advised that the document was detailed and complex and they would need user friendly ways to introduce it to members of the public and encouraged everyone to get involved with the consultation.


Councillor Turner stated that the video being produced for the public would be really important in bringing the strategy together and would help to support the document.


On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried unanimously.



To approve the Draft Stroud Canals Vision & Strategy set out in Appendices A-C for a period of public consultation.


Councillor Pearson left the meeting prior to the start of Agenda Item 10

Supporting documents: